About me
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough"
I'm a 15 year old teenage girl and I live and go to school in Brussels, but I was born in the United States, lived in three different countries and I'm learning my fourth language. I love travelling, learning new life skills and meeting new people and cultures.
So when I heard about School at Sea, I was immediately convinced that this is something I want to do.
Besides school, I love to hang out with my friends, just talking and laughing and learning new, interesting things. I really enjoy playing tennis and listening to music. My friends describe me as calm but sometimes energetic. And as someone who likes to listen and support others.
This summer, my family and I went cabin hiking in the Alps. For the first time I saw the beauty of the mountains and the nature. In the evenings we would play cards and chat with the other hikers in the hut. It made me realize how much I love meeting new people and hearing their stories.

School at Sea
You sail, you learn
School. On a tallship. Sailing across the Atlantic. Together with 36 other students. And a team of teachers and professional sailors.
School at Sea offers students aged 15 and 16 to make an unforgettable (school) trip together. A sailing trip across the Atlantic Ocean, while continuing your school. You do this independently. What you normally learn in theory at school, you learn here by applying and observing it: biology through life in the ocean and on land; physics through sailing; geography through navigation and weather patterns, etc. It is certainly not a holiday because it involves hard work: cooking, cleaning, sailing, eating, doing schoolwork, sleeping - every day.
Through School at Sea I hope to develop my talents. The goal is that the students find themselves and grow. This happens on the ship and on the expeditions. These are moments where you explore the landscape of a new country with a small group. On these expeditions you learn how to work in teams, being a leader, being responsible, good communication, being creative and much more.
The reason I want to join School at Sea is because I want to discover all these skills, see the world and learn a lot of new things. I don't want to miss this opportunity to discover the world and myself!
For more information visit https://www.schoolatsea.com
The route
To the Caribbean and back

12.000 nautical miles in six months!
We will leave the Netherlands in mid-October and head southwest. Sailing the English Channel in autumn is always a challenge. Depending on wind and weather, the captain may decide to stop in France, England or Spain to wait for more favourable conditions.
The first official destination is the Canary Islands, specifically Tenerife. Here we will climb el Teide, the volcano responsible for creating the island. From there, our journey takes us further south to the western edge of Africa. On São Vicente, one of the islands in the Cabo Verde archipelago, we will buy fresh fruit and vegetables to last the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean to Dominica. Here we will hike to the Boiling Lakes and spend a few days with the locals.
After some island-hopping between various islands of the Lesser Antilles we will reach Curaçao and head even further west. In Guna Yala, an autonomous region in eastern Panama, we will find paradise: blue waters, coral reefs, white beaches and palm trees. we will be set ashore a little further west and have to cross Panama on foot. The ship will wait for us in Bocas del Toro.
After Bocas, the journey home will begin. For the first time in months, we will sail north and east towards Cuba. We will experience this unique country ourself as we travel the country in a small group of students. Bermuda is next, and we will never experience two countries more different than those last two.
From Bermuda, we will cross the ocean once more and reach the Azores. We will have re-entered the European Union, even though we’re on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. On Faial, we will prepare for the final stretch back to mainland Europe, where we will arrive mid-April.

The Ocean Cleanup
Millions of tons of plastic disappear into our oceans every year. I want to do something about that. That is why I’m working with the environmental group The Ocean Cleanup. They want to clean up 90% of the plastic pollution in our oceans.
As a 'Citizen Scientist' I will help them collect data on plastic pollution in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. This information helps The Ocean Cleanup develop its strategy for cleaning up the plastic soup.

Sponsoring organizations will be listed here
Please let me know if you're interested in supporting me. I would love to get in touch to tell you more about my plans and how I can support your organization.

Ton & Marjon Vermeulen
Jutta Nashat
Hilde & Floriaan Dijkman
Gert & Els Daggers
Frans-Willem Sap
Masiar Nashat
Thijs Lubbers & Friederike Sell
Guity Nashat
My fundraising goal
Heeft u vragen of ideeën? Ik hoor het graag!
Do you have a question or feedback, don't hesitate and let me know!